Požeški doprinos suvremenoj medicini

U prostorijama Hrvatske gospodarske komore u Požegi ovoga je petka predstavljena knjiga Radiološka mjerenja linija, osi i kutova koštano-zglobnog sustava dr. Damira Matokovića, Požežanina i ortopeda s više od 30 godina iskustva. Knjiga se bavi specifičnom problematikom koju trebaju poznavati ortopedi, traumatolozi, odnosno svi oni koji se bave koštano-zglobnim sustavom. Osim liječnicima knjiga će biti namijenjena i studentima kao udžbenik za određeni dio gradiva na studiju medicine. Tako će naši učenici, a budući studenti medicine imati priliku iščitavati literaturu za ispit iz knjige požeškog autora dr. Matokovića. Na tom povijesnom događaju prisustvovali su i naši maturanti koji nisu skrivali radoznalost i oduševljenje predstavljanjem ovakvog specifičnog gradiva kakvog u Hrvatskoj ima jako malo. O knjizi su govorili akademik Marko Pećina ispred Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, recenzenti prof. dr. Savo Jovanović i prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Hašpl.

” Stored” information is not stored physically at a place in the brain that would get fatter when our learning increases: otherwise, some would really have the brain that would swell up to have a big head! However, memorization does leave a trace called ” mnemic trace “, click for info here: – it is concretized by new connections created between certain neurons, and by modifications of these (in size and in the biochemical constitution). – The memory trace is a bit like a new circuit, a new route that would be created between certain neurons. Imagine a virgin forest: impossible to enter. This is the state of our brain if nothing is memorized. When information is stored, for example, a person’s phone number, new connections are created in our brain, between the representation of that person, and the combination of numbers: it’s a bit like a path that would be cleared to facilitate entry into the forest. We understand immediately that access to the forest will be easier if we have several variants to find this way to the phone number: if I remember the face, the name of the person, and if I remember for example the city where she lives (I know her number starts with 02 99 for example), or another clue (the total digits of the number),in the forest to get to the goal: find the phone number. It is also necessary to maintain the path, that is to say, to borrow it often, if one does not want the forest to grow back: the memory must be maintained for lack of being forgotten.